Friday, February 5, 2010

Installing APP on the Iphone

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Objective C

Protocols - set of functions we need to implement if we need messages from the object?

Anonymous Object - id class loosely typed

Selectors - ?

What is the difference between ObjectiveC and Cocoa?

Object C is a language and Cocoa is Apples implementation of some classes in Objective C language.

Object hierarchy in Cocoa

NSObject is the promordial class.
It takes care of memory management

UIControl inherits from NSObject and it takes care of ?

All other UI classes inherit from UIControl.

Outlets - Target Actions

Controller objects have outlets that are pointers to instances of GUI Objects like slider and Button. These GUI Objects havd target actions as a method to the object referring to them.


ROI Application

Cocoa Touch Architecture

UI Kit
User Interface Elements
Application Runtime
Event Handling
Hardware APIs

Utility Classes
Collection Classes
Object Wrappers for system services
Subset of Foundation in Cocoa